about our little shop of candles + things.

Hey there! Welcome to our little online shop.

Here’s some background on our business: it was a complete accident. During the summer of 2017, I was shopping for candles online with a college-kid budget and having little luck. My mother had made a comment along the lines of, “you could probably just make them for less than you’d spend buying someone else’s candles.” That was it - that was the beginning. Instead of ordering unnecessarily complicated and overpriced candles made with ingredients unknown to me, I ordered the supplies needed to make my own candles as naturally as possible.

By December, I had a bit of an excess of candles - because I just loved experimenting with different fragrances. Of course, then came another great idea from my mother: sell the extra candles. There was less than a week left until Christmas and I didn’t have much spare cash for gifts, so this was a welcome solution - and it was a surprising success.

I had no idea those first few candles would lead me to where I am presently but demand for hand-made, natural, and affordable soy candles continued following the holidays - so I created my brand, Wik’d. (pronounced “wicked”).

If you haven’t noticed - I keep calling Wik’d. “our” shop. I am so glad to announce that my fiancé, Andrew, has joined forces with me to help grow our business while making some candles here and there since we both work full-time. He has been the “idea man” since the very beginning and we are so excited to take his involvement to the next level.

As you peruse our shop you will find other creations than only natural soy candles and I sincerely hope you find something of interest! Thanks so much for taking the time to get to know myself and my little company. I look forward to creating something you will love! In the meantime, feel free to find Wik’d. on social media to show support while keeping up on events, special pricing, and giveaways.

Cheers and #StayWikd!

- Cassie